Brochet MONSTRE: Augmente tes chances

MONSTER PIKE: Increase your chances

We all know that pike are known for their powerful attacks and fights, but especially for the size they can reach. The biggest pike are definitely the smartest and most intuitive, so they are harder to outwit, and rightly so.

In this article, we demystify one of the most practical tips that will definitely increase your fishing quality. Trust me, it's simple and very effective.

Let's start; pike have sharp, very sharp teeth (especially the big ones). It's not uncommon that by attaching your lure directly to your braided line or monofilament, everything will "snap" in no time.

The solution? A good, good, cheap line breaker. Does it work? Yes. Is it good? Not at all. Let me explain.

The line breaker is a relatively stiff metal wire, it has the effect of breaking the action of your lure, since it cannot move as fluidly as with a standard wire. Also, the presentation of your lure falls to 2/10 since, personally, I have never seen a fish swim in the water with a 6 to 8 inch metal wire coming out of its mouth. Small pike get caught in the game, the bigger ones are too smart, they are not at their first rodeo.

There is THE MIRACLE solution to solve these problems, fluorocarbon line. This line has very interesting characteristics. It is almost 100% transparent in contact with water, it is flexible, it has no elasticity (so the strikes and contacts are directly linked to the tip of your rod) and it is very, very, very resistant to abrasion, so it will not cut when it comes into contact with the pike's teeth, or even if your lure rubs on the rocks at the bottom of the water.

This line is sold in a set like the line break, but between you and me, I strongly suggest you buy a spool of fluorocarbon line and learn the connection knots. Not only is it less expensive, but your presentation will have the best. I leave you below an example of a knot that I use, very easy to understand and very quick to do.

This type of leader is gaining popularity, even for fish without teeth. The reason? The presentation of your lure becomes perfect, therefore easier to outwit big fish. This type of line is sold from 4 lbs test up to 80 lbs test and even more!

For pike, let's go with the reasonable approach: a spool of 100% fluorocarbon Trilene by Berkley, 25 lbs test, will do the job. A small investment of about forty dollars for 200 yards, you'll be good for a long time. Generally, we'll put between 12 and 24 inches of leader, but it's up to you if you want to put more or less.

This trick, known to the greatest fishermen in the world, will not only allow you to lose fewer catches and lures, but also to increase your fishing quality… and to beat up your friends. 😉

On that note, good fishing, we're eagerly awaiting photos of your catch!
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